"Hybrid working with Flexwhere is simple and hassle-free."
Cees Barnhoorn, Coordinator Servicedesk & Business Analyst

The Rijnland Water Board (in Dutch: Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland) is a government authority that protects the country against flooding. The head office switched to a flexible way of working in 2012 and was looking for a system to map out which workspaces are free and who is working where. That was Flexwhere.
‘At that time we opted for Flexwhere because there were few other providers who could satisfy our requirements. It filled the proverbial gap in the market. Flexwhere is a stable, straightforward and transparent system. We have never had any trouble with it.
Find coworkers as soon as you step out of the lift
Each floor has four touch screens. People walk out of the elevator and can check where there is a free place straightaway. Conveniently, when you are looking for a colleague, you simultaneously see the colleague‘s details. Their name, job, department, telephone number and email address that you can click on at your workspace.
A special profile is displayed in the entrance hall for visitors. People coming in can see at a glance in which meeting room they are expected. We also use these screens to display the water levels, where we are pumping, and social media. In the restaurant, for instance, we display a different profile, with pictures of the staff association, travel information, rain radar and news reports. Everyone is impressed by the screens. The function has huge appeal, for visitors too.’
“Working agile requires a tool to make it as easy as possible for employees.“ - Cees Barnhoorn
Monique Keijzer, customer contact team receptionist: "It is essential for the reception desk to be aware of where the emergency response team members are. When we switched to the new way of working and people worked at a different place everyday, this was difficult. When someone is unwell or fire breaks out, you need to act fast. I also like the fact that Flexwhere shows me whether a person is present in the building or is working at home, for example. My job entails connecting a lot of people by telephone and I welcome visitors who have an appointment. This function enables me to help them much faster."
"I have 650 colleagues. With Flexwhere I find them fast." - Cees Barnhoorn
Ruud Wisse, ICT assistant: "I myself am one of the few with a fixed workspace. I mainly use Flexwhere to find colleagues who have an ICT question. I can operate the software remotely, but if it’s about the hardware, I have to go to them. There are 650 employees working for us, spread between 8 floors, all of them with a flexible workspace. Try to find someone quickly. That’s what I use Flexwhere for."